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Fawns Beta 2

This is the fixed version of Fawns with the Racing Track added.

What to look out for in this Beta Testing Experience:
1) Check out the Web Market! Place some fawns up on it for testing purposes, but BE WARNED, people will see the location of the Fawn you place on the market.

2) Watch your breeding carefully. See what is making what. (Note: Nothing is "100% pure guaranteed" in fawns, there's always a chance for other things to happen, some good, some bad. Everyone is in this same exact boat which is good for the market.)

3) Put some fawns on Activity 0, or put some Fawns Homes on Activity 0, make sure the fawns aren't moving!

4) Are your fawns growing? Every day they should grow 1 size bigger. Place a prim out to measure how high they are at the time of birth... a few days later check to see if they are taller than that prim.

5) Are your fawns breeding every 5 days on ether? Are they breeding every 8 days without?

6) Do your female fawns produce a log about an hour after their heat drops from 100% to 0%?

7) Do your fawns race properly? Do they duel properly? Even if there are little errors, make sure it's overall working! We want to know about major issues.

8) Are your fawns starting off on one Home and jumping to another Home on their own? Probably not, but look for it!

9) Can you make a Guild and invite people? Can you kick people? Can you make people Officers? Can THEY invite people after being an Officer? Etc.

Note: Please do not use the HUD too fast, slow and steady!

Note: Unpack your 20 Fawns Packs ONE AT A TIME. Else you WILL have to re-rez some of the items to get them working properly.

Note: Trouble with the Verify Account button? Ensure you are not adding an extra space at the beginning/end of the copied password!

There are plenty of other issues you can look for, if you reported a bug in Beta 1 make sure to look and see if that bug persists. We primarily care about huge bugs at this point, little tiny ones that don't effect users should be put on the back burner so we can hurry up and get released. Thanks for reading!



Last Resort? Open up the "MAP" on Second Life, and type in the Sim Name and Three Coordinates Manually:

It's Beta Time... again!
All Fawns Pre-Order customers are now eligible to pick up their Fawns Beta 2 Packs!
Head on over to one of the pickup locations, click the big sign, then accept the inventory offer.

All you need to do is rez the box on your land, right-click the box, open, copy to inventory... and then inside your inventory should be a folder with all of the beta items unpacked. Do not "open and copy-to-inventory" ANY other object within Fawns, it will surely break it.

Getting Started Guide:
Please visit our Getting Started with Beta Guide to learn everything you need to know about starting to breed Fawns!

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