We already sent out a notice in the Fawns Group, but we wanted to make sure we posted this on the website as well.
Fawns Beta 1 will be coming to an end very shortly. Expect all Beta 1 items to stop working / delete themselves any day now. We have let people know that this day would come eventually (it’s the main reason we didn’t allow people to transfer fawns in beta), but the day is nearly here!
After Beta 1 disappears we will do a bit of work behind the scenes and push out Beta 2. Unlike in Beta 1, Beta 2 will be normal speed (not super fast mode), so expect it to feel a whole lot slower.
We hope that Beta 2 will not last nearly as long as Beta 1, so cross your fingers that we managed to crush all of the game breaking bugs! If we don’t see any huge problems in Beta 2 we can easily move on to launch in a quick manner.
Thanks to everyone who has been patient with us. We’re nearing the end of the dirt road and about to get on the fresh pavement so-to-speak. More updates soon!
-Fawns Team