Hey folks!
So we will be doing Questions & Answer (Q&A/QnA) sessions very soon!
Starting on the 3rd of this month, ending on the 10th of this month, we’ll be doing ~3 sessions daily that are scheduled to last 1-2 hours each.
We made sure to have sessions start at 10AM SLT all the way up until 7:30PM SLT, with various times in between. These times were chosen by the auction houses and markets, not entirely by us – so hopefully at least ONE of these days will be good for everyone. If not, we will most likely have another round of Q&A sessions a bit later. (Please understand, Daemon talking for 4-6 hours every day, for 5 days straight, is going to make him want a short break!)
Hopefully we didn’t miss anyone’s notecards that wanted to host a Q&A, if we did – we apologize – but as stated above we will most likely be doing another round of Q&A sessions.
March 10 :
5PM SLT – Anisa’s Amazing Krafties / Silver Mist Fawns – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ANIMAS%20MTNS/187/52/1500
Thanks everyone!
-Fawns Team