Ever wanted to delete 12 Logs at once? WELL NOW YOU CAN!
Grab a “Fawns – Mass Log Deleter” in-world at The Fawns Main Store
(or you can go to the backup Mysten location)
IT’S 100% FREE! (L$1 auto refunds) And it’s super easy! Just rez the Mass Log Deleter down, put exactly 12 (yes, it has to be EXACTLY 12) Logs inside the rainbow circle, then click the device – click YES to confirm (or NO to cancel), then you should see the Logs disappear and FWN Points show up when you refresh your HUD!
This is NOT like the “Fennux Wishing Well”, it will NOT give you an LE, but if you delete enough fawns (just over 2 full batches of 200 point fawns will do the trick), you can quickly turn those into a Limited Edition Fawn! (or forever potions / home stumps)
Please report any issues/bugs to Daemon Blackflag in-world. Just open an Instant Message with him and let him know what’s going wrong.
We hope this makes life easier while breeding Fawns!
-Fawns Team